
ForumsResults 61 - 70 of 208 for pool. (0.38 seconds)

Pick 3 Reduction System with HOLD feature
I'm glad that it worked out for you too! I figured out why we're confused ! It's the HOLD button. So let's say in the 1st position I have 1 2 and 3 marked. In the 2nd position 4 and 5 marked. And in the 3rd position 2 6 and 8 marked. 1P - 1 2 3 2P - 4 5 3P - 2 6 8 HOLD 1 would mean, out of the pool of 1000 numbers, show me every result that has at least one of my check marked numbers in the correct position. For example, if I wanted to hold the number 1 i
Aug 28, 2023, 11:50 pm - AboveAverage22 - Pick 3 Forum

Arkansas Lottery Natural State Jackpot to move to daily drawings
Most cash 5's are a dollar a play. Rhode Island adds the whole amount wagered back into the pool. This backwoods state takes in 20k and only bumps it up 10k every day. The game only has value when it reaches the 150k level.
Apr 13, 2024, 8:32 am - billybucks - Lottery News

Accusations of "disturbing" new claims procedures after Allwyn sends investigator to winner's home
The nice thing about US lottery is that each state lottery office employs a security personnel; they are former police detective who only purpose is to investigate big wins. Case and point, when my lottery pool won $4000 on a scratcher, they asked us about the purchase and time of day when we claimed it. They already knew pertinent details they were just verifying it was us.
Mar 11, 2024, 5:56 pm - flygowrl - Lottery News

Mega Millions and Powerball offer $1.11 billion in combined lottery jackpots
I will challenge you with the fact that Mega Millions tickets cost 2.00 now for starters. So now in your alleged pool if everyone puts in a dollar which is possible. You only get half as many tickets.
Mar 6, 2024, 9:41 am - billybucks - Lottery News

Mega Millions and Powerball offer $1.11 billion in combined lottery jackpots
No, buying 2 tickets instead of 1 does not double your chances of winning. Nor does playing in a pool when you would have to split the million 59 ways is not better than playing a state game by yourself with half the numbers. Don't be embarrassed about being mathematically challenged.
Mar 6, 2024, 12:43 am - billybucks - Lottery News

Mega Millions and Powerball offer $1.11 billion in combined lottery jackpots
A lottery pool does not greatly increase your chances of winning when there are over 300 million combinations and adding 59 more to your few plays doesn't even register a .000001% increased percentage of winning it. Many accurately say they would be happy with 1 or 2 million with that 2nd prize. So why not play lotteries with more than half the matrix with jackpots in that range.
Mar 5, 2024, 10:35 am - billybucks - Lottery News

NY Dream Team 2024
That's all we ate when we were kids beans and franks.It was a real gas growing up.We coined the phrase The Mighty Rumble .The neighbors wouldn't let us swim in there swimming pool,to many bubbles for them.
Feb 14, 2024, 12:10 am - loonasee2 - Pick 3 Forum

TRIPLES Number Strategy
Wow, I was up all night engrossed in your blog! Your storytelling skills are truly remarkable; you have a knack for captivating attention. Additionally, I want to express my appreciation for how easily understandable your work is. I eagerly anticipate your future ideas, especially intrigued by your 'one-off' system. It's fascinating how many people are adopting it and achieving remarkable success with such a limited pool of numbers. Thanks WP
Feb 9, 2024, 6:24 pm - treasure1111 - Lottery Systems Forum

30 Kentucky middle school employees win $1M Powerball prize, hid lottery ticket in math textbook
* Sure it's something, but when was the last time a pool won the PB or MM? Not taking anything away from these folks, but sharing with 30 players? I will pass, as is my right!
Feb 5, 2024, 4:17 pm - noise-gate - Lottery News

Why doesn't following a statistic mean that the numbers that are drawn most often will be seen in th
the mannequins at the department store i used to work at had a lottery pool. they invited me to join but the buy in was too high. would have cost me an arm and a leg at my wages.
Jan 25, 2024, 12:58 pm - Brock Lee - Lottery Discussion Forum