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Digit string projection for P2,P3,P4,P5 Games.
Hi, strings(R2/R4) are just variations of pool size (0 thru 8). The pool size has been randomized 2000x,4000x,6000x and 8,000x , hence the denotations R2,R4 ..R8. The ideal is to find stucture/patterns to stay focus without much analysis. All you need is to focus on patterns and understand permutation/combinations.
Dec 4, 2023, 8:04 pm - adobea78 - Lottery Systems Forum

TRIPLES Number Strategy
Wow, I was up all night engrossed in your blog! Your storytelling skills are truly remarkable; you have a knack for captivating attention. Additionally, I want to express my appreciation for how easily understandable your work is. I eagerly anticipate your future ideas, especially intrigued by your 'one-off' system. It's fascinating how many people are adopting it and achieving remarkable success with such a limited pool of numbers. Thanks WP
Feb 9, 2024, 6:24 pm - treasure1111 - Lottery Systems Forum

5/90 lotteries
5/90 lotteries consist of 5 winning numbers drawn out of a pool of 90 numbers from 1 to 90.mostly played in west Africa: Ghana-Togo-Benin-Cote d'ivoire-Nigeria.....Cameroon ect....
Oct 13, 2023, 6:30 am - Galileo233 - Lottery Systems Forum

Digit string projection for P2,P3,P4,P5 Games.
to follow up again why i think doubles are a waste, here in Ontario the odds are like this.. Two of the three digits are identical and the remaining one digit is unique and different (e.g. 010, 223, 455, etc.) 3 x Box Play prize Prize Pool / Number of Box Play winning shares + (3 x number of Straight Play winning shares) 1 in 333 Three digits of the winning number are unique and different (e.g. 123, 246, 978 etc) 6 x Box Play prize Prize Pool / Number of Box Play winning shares + (6 x
Nov 27, 2023, 6:46 pm - carter7 - Lottery Systems Forum

Lottery Bible ~ Large Print
Super Bowl LVIII tickets in Las Vegas ( Allegiant Stadium ) - Feb 11, 2024 $7,012 - $42,165 per stadium row seat to $42,166 - $65,159 per Club seat. The stadium offers unobstructed views for 63,400 fans and for mega-event it can expand to hold 73,000 people. There are 88 lofts and 7,505 club seats in the stadium. You have to pay for your honey's seat. You still have ticket taxes, transportation, car rental, parking, hotel, clothing, food and other incidentals factoring in tim
Jan 28, 2024, 3:33 pm - Harve$t Moon - Lottery Systems Forum

5/90 lotteries
In a 5/90 game the minimum reward starts from 2 winning numbers called 2sure .The total number of possible outcome in 5/90 for 2 sure is 4005 combinations,whilst the payment scheme gives a reward of 200 to 250 times the .stack depending on the game played. These simply means that if you play all the possible outcomes you invest 4005 for a reward of 200 to 240;leaving you with a lost of over 3750. My strategy is to create out of the total possible outcomes 5 universes namely World : W
Oct 13, 2023, 7:44 am - Galileo233 - Lottery Systems Forum

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