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Powerball lottery from A to Z - Lexicon
Playing the lottery is not just tapping numbers. Who plays the lottery, has to deal with technical terms and game variants. The lexicon gives a short and clear overview so that you find your way around the lottery jungle easily and quickly. Additional Number - Powerball is a good example of a lottery game that features an additional number. This additional number allows lottery players to win additional prizes if they choose this option. The additional number feature usually costs a...
Jan 28, 2020, 3:13 pm - lucasbehr

lotto purchases today
i got classical on the sound system and on the hold music. i should break out my baton. frugal times call for frugal moves on the lotto front. my washington state mega ticket came due and was another loser. i was playing twenty for 2 dollar 10 drawing ticket. i cut that back to 1 dollar for ten drawings. i need to make it to when the money starts coming back in again. i was reading about the new jersey lotto in the news section and man. i don't compare to those pl...
Dec 6, 2005, 4:02 pm - starchild_45

lotto purchases today
well for a techno song it is kind of lame. tonight i stopped by the local albertson and picked up a 20 draw cali ticket and 20 big spin scratch games. i don't know what i won on the scratch tickets but i have things to do like pay my bills. talk to you again....
Apr 4, 2005, 11:18 pm - starchild_45

lotto purchases today
well i am on my jaunt across four states and the buying has begun. i purchased a 10 draw one dollar ticket for lot o play. a crazy looking game but it has a million dollar start. i don't know what i am going to do to check this thing when it is due. it looks like a keno ticket. oh well. i purchased a 10 draw mega million ticket here in OHIO. i am leaving today to go to michigan. anyway ohio has a kicker on the playslip. i was already to play this from what i could see off the we...
Aug 8, 2006, 5:30 am - starchild_45

I do not like broccoli
When I read reviews of games added to state lotteries it reminds me of something President George HW Bush said: I do not like broccoli . And I haven't liked it since I was a little kid. And my mother made me eat it. And I'm President of the United States. George H. W. Bush Saw where South Carolina and Virginia Lotteries are adding Cash Pop...
Jan 9, 2022, 12:24 pm - Stack47

The KACHING Report 12/12 (yes, a little early) + small change to method of playing...
I'm going to go ahead and post my KACHING Report since I don't plan on buying any scratchers tomorrow. Saturday's slow playing (I'll talk about my change to this later in this post): 2 free tickets and $6 (3 x $2) on 3 $1 Quick 6 $8 ($8) on $5 $500,000 Player's Club Free ticket and $50 ($5 + 15 x $3 via gold bar win all ) back-to-back on 2 $5 $500,000 Riches Overall, it was a very nice $45 profit. Tuesday: $3 (3...
Dec 11, 2008, 10:25 pm - sorensonfan41

Tennessee's top 10 scratchers
The following is my top ten Tennessee scratch offs on the market at your nearest gas station. (10. Junior Jumbo Bucks ($1) Odds 1:4.9 Top Prize $10,000 Number of Top Prizes 19) I've not played JUNIOR as much as I've played senior but I like the number of top prizes and the amount of the top prize. The top prize is the most for any $1 scratch off offered in TN. For that it gets my number 10 spot. (9...
May 24, 2006, 3:15 am - Tnplayer805

A Call to the hearts of Insurance Companies, Washington, State Lotteries, Oil Cartel & Billionaires
I'LL LIKE FOR YOU ALL TO PLEASE READ THIS FIRST AND HAVE COMPASSION BEFORE YOU BEGIN TO READ WHAT I AM ABOUT TO SAY... THE STORY : Dollar 419 was responding to a comment i made that there is only 3 ways around the world to be super rich...You sell drugs, you win the lotto or you become President... Dollar419 said: How abou...
Nov 30, 2009, 4:53 am - pumpi76

Lotto Budget
Well I spent $100 on scratch-its and $50 on line games. The hundred on scratch-its returned $45 in winnings and the $50 in megabucks and powerball and mega millions returned nothing. I spent $30 of the $45 on pizza hut and reinvested $15 into more line tickets. So out of $165 I got $30 dinner and lost $135 in lotto not good at all. I am holding out to november to play the mega millions and powerball because I think that the jackpots should be over $100 million.&nb...
Oct 8, 2015, 6:34 pm - weshar75

anyone thought of this:ScratchOffs Syndicate
anyone thought of this: ScratchOffs Syndicate I was reading this article about lottery winners sharing their secrets: # And it had me thinking, I don't think anyone has thought of this..Why don't they do Scratch-O...
Aug 1, 2007, 5:31 pm - pumpi76

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