Sum Totals Subtle Patterns for Pick3: Part 3


I hope that by now you already know what "Sum Total Difference" is by reading my previous blog...I also notice 4 more subtle patterns with the Sum Total Difference"....This pattern happens and should happen on all states' Pick3's...It will not surprise me if they happened on Pick4..I have yet to check out pick4...

Note: If i were you i will print out "Tricks/Tactics to better predict the numbers" blog, i'll also print "Sum total Subtle Patterns for Pick3: Part 1, 2 and 3" blogs...Specially the part 2 and 3...

Subtle Pattern #8: In the sum total difference you will not see a number with a (-) sign and then see the following draw be that same number with a positive sign (+) plus 1....Example...If you see a +4 sum total difference then the following draw it will not be a +5...Same thing with a negative sign..Example; if you see a -3, then the following drawing/draw will not have a -4...I am talking about the number that follows that sum total difference number...If you see a +7 sum total difference then the following sum total difference will not be +8, or if you see a +1 sum total difference then the following sum total difference will not be +2..Same thing with negative sign...If you see a -3 sum total difference, then the following sum total difference will not be -4, or if you see a sum total difference of -5, then the following sum total difference will not be -6....Basically is the number that follows it but with the sign of that number...This cases rarely occur and when they do happen is rare...LIke my case, i saw a sum total difference repeat the number that followed it with the same sign 2 times out of 125 draws...So is very rare...

Subtle pattern #9: If you read subtle Pattern #8 you will notice that i said that the sum total difference must be with the same sign..Well in Subtle Pattern #9, they don't have to carry the same sign they can carry any sign...Example, if you see a sum total difference of -3 you will not see on the following draw/drawing a sum total difference of +4 or -4...The same with a positive sign...If you see a sum total difference of +3 you will not see on the following draw/drawing a sum total difference of -4 or +4...If you see a sum total diffence of -1 you will NOT see on the following draw/drawing a sum total difference of +2 or -2....If you see a sum total difference of +7 you will not see on the following draw/drawing a sum total difference of -8 or +8...Basically is the number that follows it but with any sign (from least to greatest)...Subtle Pattern #9 is if in case your state mimics my state (Georgia); some states will mimic my state others will not...If in case your state doesn't mimic my state and you don't see Subtle Pattern #9 but you do see subtle Pattern #8 then stick to subtle pattern #8 and forget about subtle pattern #9...

Subtle Pattern #10: Remember that Subtle pattern #8 and #9 talk about the number that follows it but one is with the sign and the other is with any sign..Well think of subtle pattern#10 as the number that follows it but from greatest to least with the same sign...Example: if you see a sum total difference of -4 on the following draw/drawing you will not see a sum total difference of -3...Same with the positive sign...If you see a sum total difference of +5 you will not see on the following draw/drawing a sum total of +4...If you see a sum total difference of +6 you will not see on the followind draw/drawing a sum total of +5....If you see a sum total difference of -7 you will not see on the following draw/drawing a sum total of -6...Basically you will not see the previous number but with the respective (same) sign... This subtle pattern#10 should happen on all states maybe with the exceptions of a few..Think about it as going from "greatest to least" but with the same sign...

Subtle Pattern #11: Remember that Subtle Pattern#10 is basically that you will not see the previous number with the respective (same) sign...Well subtle pattern#11 is just like subtle pattern#10 but with any sign...Example: if you see a sum total difference of +6, on the followind draw/drawing you will not see a sum total difference of -5 or +5..If you see a sum total difference of -10, you will not see on the following drawing/draw a sum total difference with +9 or -9...If you see a sum total difference of +2, you will not see on the following  drawin/draws a sum total difference with -1 or +1...Think of it as going from "greatest to least" but with any sign...Subtle pattern#11 is for states that mimic my state of Georgia..Some state will not mimic my state...I did see on my experiments numbers go from greatest to least with any sign but it only happened 9 times out of 125 draws, which is only 7%...

Note: if you take my previous blogs: "Tricks/Tactics to better predict the numbers" along with: "Sum total Subtle Patterns for Pick3: Part 1, 2 and 3" blogs and teach it to a supercomputer, i am sure it will get very close to hitting pick3 all the time, including pick4...It doesn't have to be a supercomputer it could be a computer program..And anyone can do it too..How is subtle pattern #8, #9, #10 and #11 important? Because it can help you further reduce the number of sum totals you have to play...


Entry #72


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