The states of Mississippi and Alabama running out of ICU hospital beds.


And Kentucky and other states are not very far behind. Most of us probably read or heard about Trump getting booed for suggesting that people get vaccinated during his Alabama rally. We all know Trump was speaking as someone that contacted Covid-19 and it was severe enough that he was hospitalized. And it's a fact Trump was vaccinated in December

I talked to my doctor about getting vaccinated and have suggested that everyone should talk to their doctors too. From what I've read about 57% of American adults are vaccinated, but because there is no vaccination for children under 12, the total is less than 50%. 

My question is if both Trump and Biden are suggesting getting vaccinated, why are so many people apposing it?

There is a huge difference between not get vaccinated and telling other not to on social media. Will those people take responsibility if someone takes their advice, gets the coronavirus and dies?

Entry #127


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* Short answer is there are lots of people who think that since they did not vote for Biden, they want nothing to do with anything he suggests.

* Where was the pushback when Trump asked, no demanded a vaccine to help people. There was a silence, but now that Trump is not in the WH, the vaccines are now looked upon as voodoo medicine.

* There are known conservatives who have gone on record discouraging folks to not take the vaccine & they have died from Covid-19, Will that change their minds, hardly.

* l see folks are asking Americans to Pray for that politician Wisconsin who’s in bad shape. This family guy is anti Mask, anti everything & we now asked for the Creator to come through for this guy.

* Inability to think clearly is what it is.
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We kid about people drinking "Trump's Kool-Aid" and Trump saying "I love the uneducated", but ICUs are full in six states with another ten nearing capacity. Are they really that stupid?

Some of them say they are changing doctors because their current doctor recommended getting vaccinated. Are they really that stupid?

People are listening to and taking medical advice from people with conspiracy websites and pod casts like Alex Jones. Are they really that stupid?

I'm starting to get concerned that some of LP members might take advice from our resident anti-vaxxers. Hopefully the people here are not really that stupid.

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* Well some are definitely stupid, no doubt about that. I mean if you still going off about Trump winning the election 10 months after the fact- I think you qualify.

* Read something that makes sense: The author of the piece said that Trump's supporters are so hung up on saying he was " defrauded or that the election was stolen from him because if they admit he lost.. that burst the bubble on everything: He was going to finish the wall, but they manipulated the votes, the machines were corrupt- anything to avoid at all costs that he is a loser. Lindell is swimming in the deep end of denial, if he says Trump lost, there goes everything for him. He might as well sell his company because no one will ever anything from him,he would've committed heresy.

* l see our favorite clown is saying Biden surrendered- this fool is using part of what l aimed at him yesterday when l quoted Trump's former National Security advisor McMaster who said " Pompeo surrendered to the Taliban." He was the one shown in a pic standing next to the Taliban Leader, after or before the signing of the agreement. Trump & company gave legitimacy to the Taliban & are now trying to put the blame on Biden.

* It's in their playback, when cornered pass the blame. Jim Jordan wanted to put the Jan 6th insurrection on Pelosi & her authorization of her handling the Capitol police. In other words: Pelosi should have ordered more Cops. Since when is speaker of the house in charge of the police on Capitol hill?

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"l see our favorite clown is saying Biden surrendered"

I'd wonder which part of Biden following Trump's plan to withdraw our troops is confusing them, but saying dumb stuff is about all they can say.
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"Trump's supporters are so hung up on saying he was " defrauded or that the election was stolen from him because if they admit he lost.. that burst the bubble on everything"

Some of the Trump lawyers are getting their licenses suspended and possibly disbarred. But that won't stop non lawyers like the crackhead pillow guy from pretending he has "kraken" evidence.

Some MAGA supporters are spreading misinformation about getting vaccinated and even booed Trump when he suggested that everybody get vaccinated. Now it's attacking the new administration for following the Trump/Pompeo exit plan.

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